
Since May, another batch of new environmental standards, regulations and actions have been formally

A series of new environmental protection standards, environmental protection laws and regulations, and special actions to be implemented from May are summarized as follows.


Including: evaluation standards for desulfurization and denitrification operation effects, local atmospheric regulations, new edition of groundwater quality standards, national black and odorous water body improvement actions, local solid waste laws, domestic garbage standards, etc ...

From May 1,

There are evaluation standards for the operation results of desulfurization, denitrification and dust removal equipment!


A few days ago, the National Standards Committee issued "Technical Requirements for Evaluation of Operational Effects of Coal-Fired Flue Gas Desulfurization Equipment GB / T 34605-2017", "Technical Requirements for Evaluation of Operational Effects of Coal-Fired Flue Gas Denitration Equipment GB / T 34340-2017", Technical requirements for the evaluation of the operation effect of desulfurization and dust removal equipment GB / T 34607-2017. The three "standards" have been implemented since May 1, 2018. among them:

"Technical Requirements for the Evaluation of Operational Effects of Coal-fired Flue Gas Desulfurization Equipment GB / T 34605-2017" is applicable to the evaluation of the operational effects of wet (limestone-gypsum, ammonia, seawater) and dry / semi-dry desulfurization equipment. Performance evaluation indicators include SO2 emission concentration, desulfurization efficiency, Hg emission concentration, smoke (dust) dust emission concentration, SO3 emission concentration, fog droplet concentration, and desulfurization wastewater, desulfurization solid waste, noise, and other gaseous pollutants.

"Technical Requirements for Evaluation of Operational Effects of Coal-fired Flue Gas Denitration Equipment GB / T 34340-2017" is applicable to the evaluation of the operational effects of SCR, SNCR, and SCR-SNCR denitration equipment. Performance evaluation indicators include NOx emission concentration, denitration efficiency, ammonia escape rate, SO2 / SO3 conversion rate, and ammonia leakage, wastewater, solid waste, and noise.

"Technical requirements for the evaluation of the operation effect of steel sintering flue gas desulfurization and dust removal equipment GB / T 34607-2017" is applicable to the wet desulfurization equipment of steel sintering flue gas limestone / lime-gypsum method and ammonia method, the flue gas circulating fluidized bed method and Evaluation of the operation effect of semi-dry / dry desulfurization equipment such as rotary spray drying method, evaluation of the operation effect of electric precipitator and bag filter for flue gas dust removal, and other similar desulfurization and dust removal processes can also be implemented by reference.

Regulations on Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in Weifang 

Effective from May 1



It was learned from the press conference held by the Standing Committee of the Weifang Municipal People's Congress that the "Weifang Air Pollution Control Regulations" was adopted by the Seventh Session of the Seventeenth People's Congress of Weifang on December 12, 2017, and was issued in 2018. On May 23, it was approved by the 35th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth People's Congress of Shandong Province and will be implemented from May 1, 2018.

The "Regulations" consist of five chapters and forty-three articles. According to the superior law, drawing on advanced experience in the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution in other places, and combining with the actual situation of Weifang City, some new institutional measures have been created. The "Regulations" stipulate measures to reduce coal consumption, such as replacing coal with gas, replacing coal with electricity, dismantling coal-fired boilers, and condensing power generating units, and make specific regulations for the management of civilian loose coal.


Specific regulations have also been made on the prevention and control of air pollution such as volatile organic compounds machines, motor vehicle exhaust, livestock and poultry farming, straw incineration, and garbage incineration.

Three environmental regulations in Taiyuan

(Construction waste, air pollution prevention, eco-environmental protection) Effective from May 1


From May 1st, local regulations on environmental protection in the three parts of the "Regulations on the Management of Construction Wastes in Taiyuan", "Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in Taiyuan" and "Regulations on the Protection of Ecological Environment in Taiyuan" will be officially implemented.

The Taiyuan Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution stipulates systems and measures such as total amount control, pollution permits, grid supervision, and environmental monitoring in terms of supervision and management, prevention and control measures, and legal responsibilities, and regulates industries, motor vehicles, and dust , Prevention of coal and other pollution, and response to severely polluted weather, etc., clarifying the legal responsibilities of illegal enterprises and institutions, other production and operation operators, individuals and government department staff.

The "Regulations on the Management of Construction Waste of Taiyuan City" regulates the main contents of construction waste production, transportation, consumption, comprehensive utilization, legal responsibility, etc., clarifies the working principles and management responsibilities of construction waste, and strengthens the construction of Taiyuan Waste management provides strong legal guarantees.

 The contents of the "Regulations on Ecological Environment Protection of Taiyuan City" highlight the ecological environment protection in the East and West Mountains and the Fenhe River Basin. Focused on standardizing the ecological protection of the East and West Mountains and the Fenhe River Basin, prohibiting deforestation in the East and West Mountains, cutting firewood, mining, burning waste, and private excavation and illegal drainage in the Fenhe River Basin, and set corresponding laws Responsibility; clarified the funds used for ecological environmental protection, restoration, management and compensation in the East and West Mountains and the Fenhe River Basin; established the establishment of ecological compensation systems, etc

Hebei Langfang VOCs Governance Companies Not Reaching Standards Will Be Restricted and Suspended


Along with the national and Hebei province ’s air pollution prevention and combat deployment, the track of source prevention, in-depth treatment, and strengthened management and control has been implemented. Enterprises that do not control VOCs pollution pollution, soft control, substandard treatment and abnormal use of governance facilities will face Starting from May 1 this year, the dilemma of production suspension, peak production and severe punishment according to law.


A few days ago, it was learned from the Langfang Environmental Protection Bureau that 89 enterprises in the city have been included in the list of provincial record-keeping and municipal supervision and enforcement of in-depth compliance standards.

Revision of the 24 Years of Groundwater Quality Standards

The new version will be implemented on May 1.


The “Groundwater Quality Standard” organized and revised by the Ministry of Natural Resources (formerly the Ministry of Land and Resources) was approved and issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, and will be implemented on May 1, 2018.

The "Groundwater Quality Standard" (GB / T14848-2017) specifies the classification, indicators and limits of groundwater quality, groundwater quality survey and monitoring, and groundwater quality evaluation. Applicable to groundwater quality investigation, monitoring, evaluation and management.


Compared with before the amendment, the new version of the standard divides the groundwater quality indicators into conventional indicators and unconventional indicators, and further subdivides them according to the physical and chemical properties. The water quality indicators have increased from 39 to 93, of which organic pollution indicators have increased by 47. .


The revision of the standard will provide support for the national groundwater pollution survey and evaluation and the implementation of national groundwater monitoring projects.

Ministry of Ecology and Environment and Ministry of Housing and Construction start 

National Black Smelly Water Treatment Project


At the beginning of May, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will jointly launch the special environmental protection action of “Remediation of Black and Stink Water Body in 2018” jointly with the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The scope of this action involves 36 key cities (municipalities, provincial capitals, planned cities) and other prefecture-level cities.

This special operation takes the satisfaction of the masses as the primary criterion and focuses on the black and odorous water body improvement work. It draws on the experience of the "five-step method" of inspection, assignment, inspection, interview, and special inspection to fully understand the black and odorous water body. Remediation progress and existing problems, urging local governments to speed up the shortcomings of urban environmental infrastructure construction, and fundamentally solve the problem of black and odorous water bodies.

Hunan's solid waste legislation passed in full


It has taken more than 4 years from the brewing to the promulgation. The measures of Hunan Province to implement the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") will be implemented from May 1 this year.

The Measures require the people's governments at all levels to establish and improve the responsibility system for environmental protection targets, and include the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid wastes in the annual assessment of the government and departments; for the solid waste pollution where the subject of responsibility cannot be identified, the people's governments at or above the county level should Jurisdiction determines the relevant responsible parties to perform the responsibility of preventing and controlling environmental pollution; stipulates that solid waste management agencies at or above the county level shall be responsible for the specific work of supervision and management of environmental pollution by solid waste.


The township (town) people's government, sub-district offices and villagers' committees shall be responsible for solid waste management, and relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level and the town (town) people's governments and sub-district offices shall be organized to construct temporary storage sites for separate sorting and recycling. The packaging of agricultural input products such as pesticides and agricultural residual film are recycled, and they are recycled or harmlessly disposed of.


At the same time, strengthening the monitoring of solid waste requires that the management unit of the solid waste landfill site should install and use monitoring equipment and regularly announce the monitoring situation to the society.

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued "Technical Requirements for Domestic Garbage Deodorant" 

Effective from May 1


The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the industry product standard "Technical Requirements for Domestic Garbage Deodorant" No. CJ / T516-2017, which will be implemented from May 1, 2018.

This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification and model, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, and marking, packaging, transportation, and storage of domestic garbage deodorants. Deodorant suitable for hiding or reducing the malodor generated during the collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of domestic garbage.

Seven ministries and commissions jointly revised the "Measures for Energy Conservation Management of Key Energy Utilization Units"

Effective May 1


In order to strengthen energy conservation management of key energy-consuming units, improve energy efficiency, control total energy consumption, and promote ecological civilization, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the People's Bank of China, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, and the National Bureau of Statistics 2. The China Securities Regulatory Commission has jointly revised and issued the Measures for the Management of Energy Conservation of Key Energy-Using Units (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures").


This measure will be implemented from May 1, 2018. On March 10, 1999, the “Measures for Energy Conservation Management of Key Energy-using Units” issued by the former State Economic and Trade Commission was abolished at the same time.

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