
Guangdong's steel, petrochemical and cement industries plan to implement stricter atmospheric e

Guangdong issued the "Announcement on the Implementation of Special Emission Limits of Air Pollutants for the Iron and Steel, Petrochemical and Cement Industries (Consultation Draft)". The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Environmental Protection Department said that the steel, petrochemical and cement industries in the nine cities of the Pearl River Delta Region had implemented special emission limits for air pollutants in 2013 in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. In order to implement the requirements of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on "winning the defense of the blue sky" and "improving pollution emission standards", it is planned to extend the scope of the implementation of special emission limits for atmospheric pollutants from the current 9 cities in the Pearl River Delta to the entire province. And implement the province's joint prevention and control.


Full announcement

Guangdong Environmental Protection Department

The steel, petrochemical and cement industries implement the atmosphere

Announcement of special pollutant emission limits (draft for comments)

In order to implement the requirements of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on "winning the defense of the blue sky" and "improving pollution emission standards", earnestly stepping up efforts to prevent air pollution in key industries in our province, according to the "Air Pollution Prevention Action Plan" (National Development [ (2013) No. 37) and the specific arrangements of the "Implementation Plan of Guangdong Province's 2018 Blue Sky Defense War", it is now decided to implement special emission limits for atmospheric pollutants in the steel, petrochemical and cement industries of our province. The related matters are announced as follows:

I. Implementation area

Provincial scope.

Second, the execution time

(I) New project

Since June 1, 2018, construction projects that have newly accepted environmental impact assessments in the steel, petrochemical and cement industries have implemented special emission limits for atmospheric pollutants.

(2) Existing enterprises

1. Starting from December 1, 2018, existing companies in the steel and cement industries will implement special emission limits for particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides; existing companies in the petrochemical industry will implement special emissions of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds. Limit. Among them, the Pearl River Delta region's newly accepted environmental assessment projects for the steel, petrochemical and cement industries since April 1, 2013, continue to implement the "Announcement on the Implementation of Special Air Pollutant Emission Limits" (Ministry of Environmental Protection Announcement 2013 No. 14) ).

2. If the approved environmental impact assessment document or pollution permit has stricter emission control requirements, the stricter requirements shall be implemented.

Third, other requirements

(1) Competent environmental protection authorities at all levels shall review and approve new projects in strict accordance with the above requirements to ensure that special emission limits for atmospheric pollutants are met.

(2) Existing enterprises shall take effective measures to meet the requirements for special emission limits of atmospheric pollutants within the prescribed period. If the deadline is still not reached, the relevant competent authority shall strictly follow the requirements of the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution" to order corrections or restrictions on production, suspension of production, and fines; With the approval of the people's government that has the right to approve, it shall be ordered to suspend business or close down.


Emission Standards for Air Pollutants in Steel, Petrochemical and Cement Industries

Special emission limit requirements

1. Industrial Pollutant Emission Standard for Iron Ore Mining and Dressing (GB28661-2012)


2. Air Pollutant Emission Standards for Steel Sintering and Pellet Industry (GB28662-2012)


3. Air Pollutant Emission Standard for Ironmaking Industry (GB28663-2012)


4. Air Pollutant Emission Standard of Steelmaking Industry (GB28664-2012)


5. Air Pollutant Emission Standard for Steel Rolling Industry (GB28665-2012)


6. Pollutant emission standards for ferroalloy industry (GB28666-2012)


7. Pollutant emission standards for petroleum refining industry (GB31570-2015)


8. Pollutant emission standards for the petrochemical industry (GB31571-2015)


9. Air Pollutant Emission Standards for the Cement Industry (GB4915-2013)


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